Manifesting made easy.

The Delivery

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Recently, I was supposed to deliver some documents to a certain gentleman, who was supposed to be waiting for me from outside a bank.

When I got there, he was no where to be seen…and yet we had agreed, that I’d arrive at the bank in less than 10 minutes.

Realizing that he was probably waiting for me to call, I took out my cellphone and, to my surprise, none of the buttons were working.

It was “frozen”, a very uncommon occurrence.

Plan B:

Go across the street and use a payphone.
Did so.

I needed to retrieve the number from the same phone that was “hanging”. (Drat!)

What to do.
What to do.


Went back across the street.
Another 5 to 10 minutes elapsed.
Tried to soft reset the phone.

My inner monologue:

Where is he?
Is he ever gonna come out?
Should I go away and come back later?
Why aren’t these buttons working?
This is a total waste of time.


Wait!! This IS a total waste of time. Only revision can sort me out.

So, with my eyes open, I impressed a scene where I was shaking the gentleman’s hand…telling him how I have been waiting for him for the past 20 minutes.

Felt the relief and got a vision of writing this post for you guys! 😀

2 minutes later, tried the soft reset again.
Same phone.
Same buttons.
The reset worked immediately!
The phone reboots.

Big smile! 😀

Called the guy.
He comes out within seconds.
Shook his hand.
Told him the words, I’d impressed.
Gave him the documents.

Perfect outcome! 😀 Quick and easy. 😀

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